Sunday, February 24, 2013

0 3 Effective Exercises To Keep Your Joints Stay Healthy

Exercise is very important to increase muscle mass and maintain the strength of the joints. Muscle strength was decreased with increasing age, but research shows that people who exercise regularly will be stronger and slimmer than other people their age.

Joints are complex structures. Joints are designed to support the weight of your body and move your body. Joints need to move to stay healthy. Physically inactive for a long time causing joints to become stiff and surrounding tissues undergo atrophy or shrinkage. Moderate exercise that includes low-impact aerobics and weight training will provide many benefits to all women, even slow the progression of diseases such as osteoarthritis.

To keep the joint in order to stay strong, You need to do resistance training can improve your joint strength. Swimming, cycling, rowing (rowing) are some exercises that can help Your build strength without putting too much stress on your joints.

Here are three exercises that you can do to train joint forces and increase your muscle strength as a whole.

  • Swimming
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis showed improved joint function after undergoing hydrotherapy (therapy in water, including swimming) compared with other treatment methods. These benefits can also be obtained by people who have osteoarthritis or calcification of the bone is usually referred to as (reduced lubricating joints)

  • Cycling
Not like walking, running, aerobic dancing, and other exercises, cycling provides a more gentle pressure on the joints and can be done by people of all ages.

  • Up and down stairs
This form of exercise may be one of the most efficient ways to strengthen bones, muscles and joints of your lower body. What's more, there are stairs everywhere, so you can do this one exercise anywhere and anytime.

For those who have joint problems, before starting the exercises on it is better if you consult with your doctor or physical therapist to make sure the condition of your joints. In addition to physical exercise proper and regular, you also need to consume essential nutrients for joints that keep your joints healthy and strong. Happy practicing!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

0 Don't Drink and Drive!

Short time ago famous vocalist deathcore band Suicide Silence, Mitch Lucker, was killed in an accident on suspicion of consuming alcohol before driving a motorcycle. How much amount of alcohol consumption can be fatal?

Drink a sip or two sips of alcoholic drinks does make sense to be relaxed or happy. But if you go on up to a few sips of the eyes will begin to blur and the coordinating body is also reduced. How alcohol can create side effects like that?

Membranes of the cells of body tissues and human blood vessels easily penetrated alcohol so quickly spread throughout the body biological tissues. As a result, drinkers would be unconscious or fainting, and even poisoning resulting in death can occur. Death can also occur due to shortness of breath and threw up.

Effect of Alcohol Based Dose Rate

The difference in the amount of alcohol concentration in the body has a different effect. Here is varied effects of alcohol on the body by blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Of course, the level of tolerance of each person is different.

1. Euphoria (BAC = 0.03-0.12%)
  • The subjects experienced an increasing mood and euforia
  • Become more confident, to become more familiar and or talkative
  • Reduced visibility
2. Sluggish (BAC = 0.09-0.25%)
  • The subjects become sleepy
  • The reaction slows
  • Easy to lose balance
3. Fainting (BAC = 0.25 to 0.40%)
  • The subject can be in a coma so it's really not aware of the surrounding environment, time, and actions of others.
  • Difficulty moving
  • Very high risk of death due to alcohol poisoning
4. Coma (BAC = 0,35 to 0,50%)
  • Subjects lost consciousness
  • Heart rate dropped dramatically that death usually occurs at this level
5. Death (BAC = beyond 0,50%)
  • Can cause damage or failure of the central nervous system, resulting in death

With the high influence of alcohol as mentioned above, it is clear driving after consuming alcohol can be fatal to themselves and others. Overcome the desire to consume alcohol with regular exercise, not smoking, avoiding stress, and a healthy and balanced diet. Stay safe. Do not drink and drive!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

0 Beware Headaches Due to Dehydration!

Dehydration or loss of body fluids in large quantities can lead to a variety of body functions including impaired brain function such as reduced concentration and thinking power.

Dehydration also causes headaches either chronic or acute. In severe cases, dehydration can cause a person to faint and even risk death at worst.

For those of you who do not know much about dehydration, the following is a simple explanation of the causes and symptoms of dehydration, coupled with ways to prevent headaches due to dehydration.

Headaches caused by dehydration can be caused by several factors, such as:

  • Lack of water intake, especially after physical exercise and during hot weather.
  • Migraine, throbbing headaches that occur on one or both sides of the head are usually accompanied by nausea, coming shortly after a meal or strenuous activity in hot weather. Sweat causing water levels in the body drained.
  • Intense throbbing headache on both sides of the head, appears with thirst, nausea, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and diarrhea. This causes the body to lose water supplies.
  • Chronic Headaches accompanied by intense thirst and excessive urination are common in people with diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, kidney and adrenal gland disorders.
  • Dehydration caused by vomiting, diarrhea, severe bleeding due to menstruation, burns, heat stroke, the intake of caffeine and excessive alcohol, drugs diuretics, antihistamines or calcium channel blockers. All of these conditions cause the water in the body drained and discarded.

However, headaches are not the only symptom of dehydration. Sometimes symptoms of dehydration can be seen from the other physical symptoms such as dry mouth and sticky, feeling tired and weak, dizzy, dizzy sight, dry and wrinkled skin, dark urine, and constipation.

Prevent Headaches Due to Dehydration

To prevent and treat headaches due to dehydration, the first thing to do is to find the cause. Dehydration can be caused by food, ambient temperature, physical activity, illness, or medications you're taking. Well, here is a common way to prevent dehydration, namely:

  • Drink 8-9 glasses of water per day water
  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water as an additional water intake.
  • Avoid overly strenuous physical activity in hot weather.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol or excessive caffeine.
Dehydration is a condition that needs serious attention. So, from now on notice and give more attention to your body, one with the water needs proportionately. Begin drinking one glass of water every 30 minutes to prevent dehydration include preventing headaches that accompany it.

0 How Much Fat Should consumed Every Day?

Almost all of the food you eat has a fat content. Fat has many functions in the body, one of them carry vital nutrients to the cells in the body, helps the digestion of food, and provide backup energy for you. 

That's why despite being on a diet, your body still needs fat. However, if you accumulate too much fat in the body, it will cause problems to your health.

How much fat should you consume each day depends on several factors such as weight, diet goals, profiles of body fat, activity level, and lifestyle. American Heart Association recommends limiting fat intake up 30% of total calorie needs. But if you are overweight, have high cholesterol, or a history of certain diseases, it is advisable to consume under percentage.

Why You Need Fat?

Fats are needed to support the body's major functions, such as helping the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Calories in a molecule of fat (9 calories per gram) provides more than twice as much energy as carbohydrates and protein (4 calories per gram), so when we started to thin out the source of energy (glycogen in the lower level), then the body will take energy from fat. Fat in food transport fat soluble vitamins into the intestines. This facilitates the absorption of essential nutrients such as A, D, E and K. If you are fat then you are at risk of deficiency lack these vitamins.

So, the fat will be benefit for you if consumed as needed and will bring problems for you if consumed in excess. It would be better if you eat healthy fats found in fruits such as avocados, nuts, canola or olive oil. Do not forget to diligently exercise to keep the body healthy and protected from fatty buildup.

Monday, January 21, 2013

0 Ideal Body Weight is not Everything

Every day the number of people who experience weight gain growing. Even this figure beats the number of people who successfully lose weight.

The World Health Organization (WHO) explained that obesity has become a global epidemic and more than 1 billion adults worldwide are overweight and 300 million people worldwide are obese.

This is definitely not a small numbers. Given the obesity and overweight is a risk factor increasing deadly diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Ironically, not all obese people understand this.

Standard BMI figures could not be the size that you are in the 'numbers' a healthy. If you are still buried waist fat, you are still at risk of developing the disease.

The results have shown that by increasing muscle mass, especially in the abdominal region and beyond, can reduce the risk of death. The higher the muscle mass the less room for fat stored.

This fact is enough for many people realize that we can not rely on the ideal weight for predicting the level of health, but also have to consider how much percentage of fat stored in our bodies.

Fat in the abdomen or commonly referred to as central obesity is fat concentrated in the abdomen which is a causal risk factor for metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.

Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance happens when your cells become less sensitive to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that are responsible for obtaining sugar from the blood. High levels of insulin and glucose in the blood strongly correlated with the level of fat you store in your stomach.

This means that the sugar in your blood can increase your stomach fat. This is why central obesity is considered as one of the highest risk factors for diabetes in conjunction with insulin and glucose function. From this fact you will also be able to determine an appropriate strategy to reduce the fat in your belly, and get a more beautiful belly shape.

Glycemic Index

If you are careful, you will immediately think to pay attention to GI (Glycemic Index) of foods you consume. Reduced fat means you have to lower the GI value in the body by eating low GI food areas. This in turn will control blood sugar and decrease of certain hormones that inhibit fat loss.

Reducing high GI food to be quite reasonable steps to reduce the overall fat deposits. This is why low-carb diets are still advised if you want to get fat-free muscle mass.

A diet high in fiber, protein and healthy fats, and eating more often can help the body control blood sugar. Even the studies say, by eating 1g of acetic acid (vinegar) can lower blood sugar levels in foods consumed by 31.6 percent.

Exercises for Body Insulin Function

Exercise can increase the rate of absorption of glucose into the muscle. This is what can speed up your body in getting rid of fat. Training method you choose also have different effects on insulin sensitivity. Rest in a shorter, higher intensity exercise and exercise combined is the strategy that you should employ to stimulate insulin sensitivity and maximize the utilization of glucose into energy.

As a result, your body will get used to using insulin and use glucose for energy without hoard into fat.

Well, now you already know that a healthy weight is not size that determines how healthy your body. However, you also need to pay attention to how much percentage of fat in your body.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

0 Want to slim? Expand SLEEP!

Sleep. Everyone will love this one activity. Generally, people will spend a third of his age to sleep. Sleep is an activity that allows the body to perform the recovery process after a long day.

Not only that, getting enough sleep also has other desirable benefits people with excess weight, which helps you lose weight. How can sleep help on our diet exactly?

Lack of "Sleep" causes increased Body Weight

A study done at the University of Chicago and University of Wisconsin explains that people who sleep less more at risk of being overweight, even when the person is on a diet once.

The relationship between sleep and weight gain has been known since a few years ago. In previous studies mentioned that people who do not get enough sleep at night will likely unhealthy snack foods in the morning.

The research showed that those who get enough sleep (8 hours at night) experienced greater fat loss when running a low-calorie diet than those who get less sleep (5 hours) at night.

More than 53 percent of the weight loss comes from decrease in body fat levels in those who get enough sleep at night, and only 25 percent weight loss from decreased body fat in those who sleep less.

So if you're trying to lose weight, you should get enough sleep at night, as well as food to reduce the consumption of high glycemic index and Balance also with sufficient exercise routine.

Sleeping in the Dark Effectively Lose Weight

Researchers also found that the light is in a state of sleep can also cause weight gain. This conclusion was made ​​after researchers learned that more than 60 percent of dieters can not get quality sleep because the room lights were kept burning. Light bulbs may block the body produces melatonin.

Besides helping improve the quality of your sleep, melatonin is a pure antioxidant that protects the body from the threat of harmful free radicals. Melatonin has the advantage to spread more easily throughout the body's nerve cells, thus helping to improve the body's nerve cells more quickly. Therefore, to get the quality sleep you should turn off room lights when you sleep. In addition to saving energy, you can lose weight faster.

Friday, January 18, 2013

0 Yin Yoga the best stress reliever

Not only physically healthy, yoga exercises can also improve your mental health. More than hundreds of years of yoga is known as an alternative method to make a person more calm and relaxed.

One variation, known effective yoga increases mental health is yin yoga. Yin yoga has been widely tested by the majority of people who experience mental health conditions such as stress, depression, and so on, in order to achieve peace in it.

Yin Yoga is a hatha yoga style is done gently and slowly, without any tightening the muscles of the body. This exercise is usually done between 3-5 minutes for each asana.

In contrast to the style while doing yoga asanas (targeted at strengthening the muscles of the body), Yin Yoga is more targeted at the treatment of the body that are not 'untouchable' while doing the asanas in the conventional way, joints, ligaments, cartilage tendon, and bone.

When the muscles relax, and posture retained longer, then the organ - organ connective tissue (which is hidden under the muscle) will be trained, to be more powerful and flexible. Specifically, the purpose of doing yin yoga is to improve the flexibility of joints of the body, especially in the lower body, in order to sit comfortably while meditating.

When practicing yin yoga, the eyes must be closed in order to achieve more in training phase. This serves to train sensitivity, intuition, and achieve true relaxation of the body.

Interested to try it?


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